Ryan Baron North
All over the place, I find suggestions of what you, as a writer, should be posting on your social media accounts. I have personally signed up for more than a couple of writer’s newsletters because they offered a list of “50 social media posts for writers.” I think I did a total of three posts off those lists. I hated each and every one of them.
Let me start by saying, I love writers. I have a ton of them on my podcast, I love getting drunk and talking with them, but I hate the #writerscommunity. Trying to be a part of that mess has been driving me away from all social media. It has started making posting content this obnoxious chore I want nothing to do with, so I haven’t posted in forever. Not to mention that it’s turned my feed into two million posts of the same thing with different filters. Introduce yourself and your favorite novel, tell us what your MC is thinking right now, use so many hashtags, and remember to ask a question so readers can engage you in the comments! I just can’t.
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It has been a while. I focused on other things for a bit—day jobs and what have you. And, I can say, that was a mistake. I am less happy than I have been in a long time, and the thing that I had been focusing on did not return the favor. Careers are careless, terrible things. In my experience, they have no love to give, they don’t give anything back to your heart for the pain your heart gives to it, and you’re simply left with nothing but less time to spend. I won’t make that mistake again.
Don’t get me wrong, I am too old to pursue dreams and wishes entirely, and I am not able to abandon the “day job” entirely. I understand the need, especially in our boring dystopia to maintain security and resources. I know what it’s like facing a new day without healthcare, without the bills being paid. Anyway. I came on because I wanted to say a few things about The Hobbit, that film from 2012. First, I want to say that nerds are such assholes. There is this common stereotype that nerds are the pure-hearted ones, silently suffering at the hands of bullies, wanting only to escape into their favorite IPs. That’s just not the case. Oftentimes, they are just as asshole-ish as the bullies who victimize them. Go to a game night at your local comic shop one of these days and tell me you didn’t witness a little hierarchy of people being rude to each other. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I am here getting ready to talk about The Hobbit, I’ve stepped through nerd culture a couple of times; I play D&D on the weekends. And don’t even get me started on the sexism and objectification in the nerd world. |